
Information based backlog prioritizing


The general rule for prioritizing the backlog is that you do it based on business value. From the business perspective, this makes a lot of sense: you maximize the ROI by doing first the things that create the most value in the context of your product, be it monetary or non-monetary (e.g. number of visitors on the website, number of registered users etc). You define the goals during the release...

alexbolboaca.ro Reflections on design, craft and software

A new home for merging ideas about design

It is my strong belief that software design can learn a lot from other design disciplines. I wrote blog posts, a book and did talks on this topic, and it was time to group them all together. These ideas have now a new home: https://codedesigner.eu. My plan is to add more blog posts there, and to involve other people doing work in this area.